Software Development
► Java Web Application Development - 10 years development experience
Design and development of complex web applications for national NHS projects including the Bowel Cancer Screening System and Home Oxygen Audit System.
Object-oriented design and development of web applications to interface with Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL and Caché databases using Eclipse and Netbeans IDEs.
As well as core Java I have development experience of the following: JSP, Servlets, JavaBeans, JDBC, AJAX, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, Web Services, iText library (dynamic PDF generation), some exposure to Spring, Struts and Hibernate.
► MySQL - 10 years design and development experience
Design and development of relational databases. Also experience with development of Oracle, MS SQL Server and MS Access databases and PL SQL.
► Delphi Windows Application - 4 years commercial experience
Development of C-POD marine mammal ultrasound analysis software for Chelonia Ltd. Developed applications to control fibre optic manufacturing and measurement hardware and to interface with MS SQL Server databases for Sifam Fibre Optics.
► PHP - 2 years development experience
Design of dynamic websites to connect with and update survey databases.
► Android Mobile Applications - 1 year development experience
Development of interactive mobile device applications, including the control panel for a GPS enabled marine communication system.